Tuesday, September 30, 2014

'Free Time' Kind of Sucks

Well, the dorms are continuing their streak of having the worst internet in the world.  They are seriously starting to drive me crazy, their system is completely ridiculous.  They forbid us from bringing in any kind of routers to set up our own Wi-Fi networks, claiming that it interferes with their wired system (which I’m pretty sure shouldn’t actually be possible) and then they allow their system to crash for weeks at a time.  It would be slightly more understandable if this dorm wasn’t exclusively for international students, whom they know have no other way of staying in touch.  I’m going mildly stir-crazy without the internet to keep me entertained.  I brought about 50 DVDs with me to France, and I’m pretty sure I’ve watched a solid majority of them by this point.  I’ve tried going out into the city by myself, but it just isn’t as interesting without the girls around.  I think adventures tend to be a lot more fun if you have someone to share them with.  I did finally make it over to the Archaeology Museum the other day, which was the last thing on my checklist for city attractions that I wanted to check out.  I’m afraid I’ve already burned through most of the cooler places in the city trying to cram in as much as possible before Katie and Helena went back to England.  And truth be told, Dijon isn’t really a very big city.  The museum was cool, and did have a lot of interesting artifacts, but it wasn’t really anything I haven’t seen before at half a dozen other museums.  It wasn’t really a very big museum either; the girls weren’t missing anything by not making it around to this one.  I suppose the one nice thing about not going out quite as often is that I’m not blowing through nearly as much money as I was for the first month.  What can I say, girls loving shopping and café lunches.  For the moment I’ve switched to microwavable meals and fresh bread from the local boulangerie, at least until the new semester starts and I’m back on the school’s dining plan.  I do love being able to get fresh bread and pastries anytime I want.  That is probably France’s number one selling-point in my opinion.  And it really is impossible to feel more French than when you’re strolling down the street with an entire baguette in your hand.

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